Some businesses are responsible for human rights abuses and environmental damage. From violent land grabs and child labour, to the dumping of toxic waste, they are acting with impunity. At the same time, those who resist are locked up, attacked, and killed.
Ireland can and must hold businesses to account.
We are calling on the Irish Government to introduce corporate accountability legislation.
Legislation that would make it a legal requirement for businesses operating in Ireland, to identify and prevent human rights abuses and environmental damage occurring in their operations, anywhere in the world. This legislation would also make companies liable for any harm done to communities affected by their activities.
Many of the most high profile corporate offenders are based in the world’s largest economies. But some businesses operating in Ireland are also complicit in abuse around the globe.
You can change this.
The Irish Coalition for Business and Human Rights is campaigning for new corporate accountability legislation to prevent abuses by making Irish-based companies accountable for a range of corporate human rights violations including forced labour, land grabs, attacks on human rights defenders, violence against women and denial of people's fundamental rights at work. The law would also allow victims to take companies to court in Ireland for damages
Our new report details the pressing need for the Irish government to introduce a new law to hold Irish-based companies to account.