Status: Pre-trial Detention Extended Grigory Melkonyants 29 May 2024Grigory Melkonyants’ appeal to his extended pre-trial detention denied Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Raid / Break-in / Theft #Physical Attack Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Russian Federation
Status: Pre-trial Detention Extended Golos 29 May 2024Grigory Melkonyants’ appeal to his extended pre-trial detention denied Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Raid / Break-in / Theft #Physical Attack Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Russian Federation
Status: Detained Victoria Roshchyna 29 May 2024Russian military confirm Victoria Roshchyna’s captivity Violations #Enforced Disappearance Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Ukraine
Status: Strict detention conditions Server Mustafayev 24 May 2024Court refused to fully recognize violations of the rights of Server Mustafayev Violations #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Crimea #Ukraine
Status: Criminal case launched Barys Haretski 22 May 2024Criminal case against human rights defender in exile Barys Haretski launched Violations #Judicial Harassment #Raid / Break-in / Theft Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus
Status: Ruled to shut down Kloop 21 May 2024Court refuses to consider Kloop Media’s appeal Violations #Reprisals #Judicial Harassment #Other Harassment Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Kyrgyzstan
Status: Defamed Sharifa Madrakhimova 7 May 2024Defamation attack against women human rights defenders Umida Niyazova and Sharifa Madrakhimova Violations #Verbal Abuse #Defamation #Threats / Intimidation Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Uzbekistan
Doros Polykarpou Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Cyprus Rights #Refugees / IDPs / Migrants
Doros Polykarpou Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Cyprus Rights #Refugees / IDPs / Migrants
Barys Haretski Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus Rights #Human Rights #Freedom of Expression #Journalism
Uzbek Forum for Human Rights Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Uzbekistan Rights #Labour Rights / Trade Union
Sharifa Madrakhimova Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Uzbekistan Rights #Human Rights #Journalism
Umida Niyazova Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Uzbekistan Rights #Human Rights #Labour Rights / Trade Union
Yevhenii Shulhat Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Ukraine Rights #Documenting / Monitoring Violations in Conflict #Journalism
Publication Joint Submission to the European Commission in the framework of the 2nd Annual Rule of Law Review Cycle Rights #Civil & Political Rights #Citizen Participation Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia
16 July 2019 by Anne Rimmer Home Turf: When Irish Environmental Defenders Receive Death Threats Rights #Environmental Rights Violations #Violence #Physical Attack #Threats / Intimidation Locations #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Ireland
Statement Galatasaray Square must be open to Saturday Mothers/People Rights #Enforced Disappearances #Civil & Political Rights #Impunity / Justice #Protests / Assembly Violations #Enforced Disappearance #Reprisals #Arbitrary detention #Violence #Physical Attack Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Turkey
Statement Defamation and Intimidation Attacks against Human Rights Defenders in Georgia must be investigated Rights #Freedom of Association #Freedom of Expression Violations #Defamation #Threats / Intimidation Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Georgia
Statement International Solidarity with Georgian Civil Society and the people of Georgia Rights #Human Rights #Civil & Political Rights #Freedom of Expression #Journalism Location #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Georgia