Ruth Komuntale
Ruth Komuntale - Uganda
Busongora people take centre stage advocating for their right to land, and they become an immediate target.

Ruth Komuntale is a HRD with the Busongora Women’s Platform to Promote the Right to Land and Justice, which is a women’s group based in Kasese in Western Uganda, advocating for the Basongora land rights. Basongora are a minority ethnic group in the Rwenzori region that was displaced to create Queen Elizabeth National park in the early 1950s. Through sustained advocacy, the government granted them land for they grazing and living in 2014. The organization is the only standalone women’s organization that has faced attacks from the rival Bakonjo ethnic communities in the Rwenzori region.
Ruth has played a significant role to sensitize her community as well as advocate for its rights. She has been conducts advocacy with various human rights groups and government institutions on behalf of this small women’s group. She is also involved in community activities. Ruth faces serious threats because of her work.